Sincerity of Understanding


Question:  How do I understand Jeremiah 12:2?  Can someone explain it to me?


There are differing translations for the word “mind” (NKJV).

The HCSB states “conscience”, with a lengthy footnote.

The Companion Bible (KJV), states “reins”, which ultimately in the etymology of the word produces “affections”, and also reference to Isa. 29:13!

What all these indicate is what is alluded to in all the references (my words); ‘lip service and outward show; as opposed to sincerity of heart’!

It is important to see who is being spoken to; which in this case is Israel regarding history and prophecy; but also to remember that it is ultimately “all mankind” and all “time periods” (Dispensations)!

See:  Bible Junctures and Dispensations  (study)


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